
Showing posts from June, 2022

Soul Tension

We finally have our baby boy. He's home. With us. But it's also not that simple.  Both of his birth parents signed their consents, but the first 30 days afterward is, by law, their revocation period. A time in which they can change their minds for any reason and take him back, no questions asked and no way to fight it. We prayed and prayed and prayed that this little boy would indeed be our son. So. Much. Tension.  And let me just tell you, 30 days is a looong time. I had waited 10 years to become a mom; you would think I'd have learned how to wait. There are so many more facets to patience than I realized. But once again, the Lord provided all I needed. There's always room to learn to lean on God MORE. Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. - Col. 1:11 Less than two weeks in, I had to face my first Mother's Day. Previously known as "the worst day of the year". I have mixed feelings abou