
Showing posts from January, 2023

Adoption is a Choice

Now that the base story is told, it's time to move into some adoption talk. Starting with an intro to open adoption because I want everyone to know how amazing Zachary's birthmother is. It took me a long time to start sharing about our open adoption journey because sometimes it takes time to make complicated situations and relationships simple enough to share. But we're now 5 years in and I wouldn't have it any other way. Adoption stories can and will look immeasurably different for everyone. They're all hard because they're all a result of sin in the world. Some are straightforward. Some are messy. Some are tragic. Some are joyful. There's a whole spectrum of details in the relationships of open adoption. Any combination of pictures, letters, texts, phone calls, facetime, visits, direct contact, indirect contact, and more. Relationships can be anything from minimal and highly structured and guarded to babysitting and inviting each other over for family gath