Awkward Introductions

*Cue the awkward lame intro.* Hi, I'm Bethany and I am not a fancy writer; there, you have been forewarned. But to start us off I figured I'd tell you a little about myself and what I hope to accomplish with this blog.

I'm a generally private, reserved person, as is my husband (although I feel like God has been working on me in this area). I'm awkward and not very good at talking to people I don't know, sometimes not even with people I do know! However, I am getting better at opening up to people as God puts more compassion on my heart for them.

So, writing can be a blessing of communication in that I get a chance to see and reflect on what I'm saying rather than just blurting things out because I'm nervous. But writing is also sometimes a curse because it doesn't have the advantage of body language, inflection, and other social cues, especially since I often tend to be sarcastic and have a weird sense of humor. So, I apologize in advance if anything comes across wrong. I'm a Christian, but I'm also a sinner. Sharing my thoughts and experiences here is in no way meant to diminish or invalidate the experiences of others. Glean what you can glean and take the rest with a grain of salt.

My husband and I are 1 in 8 couples who have struggled with infertility. We are among those officially labeled "infertile". We went through a couple rounds of IVF and have been all through the adoption process. We are now currently in the process of trying to adopt another baby. We have fostered and taken other children into our home for various lengths of time. It's been a long hard road of experiences, one that we'll be on in one way or another for the rest of our lives. But aren't we all on hard roads?

You've heard it said, "Choose your hard." Although this has been a trial that I never would have chosen (not that any trial ever is), God has taught me so much through it, and I even see the necessity of it for the growth that has happened in my life. I'm even thankful for it. I hope I can be of some help and encouragement to you all. Mostly I hope and pray that if you are on a path of infertility, that your struggle for a family of your own is cut far shorter than mine. And if you're not on that path and just want to gain a different perspective on family, I welcome you most heartily.

I myself am barren. But by the grace of God I am blessed.


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